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Becoming a self-care advocate | Pamela Graboso-Saul, RDH, MS, FADHA, MAADH

Follow Pamela’s journey starting out as a high school dental assistant, now a seasoned professional committed to self-care & sharing the importance of maintaining mental health & wellness with her community.

Pamela Graboso started her career in dentistry in high school as a dental assistant. Initially, she aspired to become a dentist and decided to use dental hygiene school as a pathway to eventually lead to dental school. Throughout her schooling to become a dental hygienist, she decided that she would like to teach dental hygiene; however, she learned that advanced education coupled with more years of experience as a dental hygienist. was required so upon graduation she started her master’s program to complete her degree.

She worked initially in private practice and then switched to research and public health dentistry. She worked with an organization that helped provide preventative dentistry to low-income areas through New York. Upon completing her master’s, she got a teaching position at a dental school to teach dental students as a clinical instructor; however, she didn’t like the work environment. She returned to her previous position where she helped provide preventative access to care to low-income areas; however, she recognized that the environment and the long commute were affecting her mental health as well.

She decided to return to private practice and work closer to home and feels that she has now found the peace she desired. As a dental hygienist she prides herself in being a safe space for her patients. She loves providing comfort to her patients. In her current position at her private practice, she arrives home happy and no longer complains about her day. She feels respected by her current employer, who listens to her concerns and supports her.

One current goal she has is becoming a public speaker who gives continuing education courses. She is interested in giving courses on mental health for the dental hygienist. Pamela recognizes that as dental hygienists we give so much to others, however often we pour from an empty cup and don’t give to ourselves.

She recognizes that she has benefited from seeking out mental health services and medication to assist her and wants others to recognize that there is nothing wrong with taking care of themselves. Self-care is an important part of the process of taking care of ourselves.

An oral health topic that she is passionate about is helping patients to invest in their own oral health. Although she recognizes that there are many devices that could help her patients improve their oral health, she doesn’t want patients to purchase products that they aren’t going to use regularly. Instead, she wants them to recognize the importance of their oral health and to find products that they will use daily and correctly.

She continues to network and is inspired by her colleagues, who are involved in amazing clinical and nonclinical opportunities that interest her. She looks forward to future opportunities in all avenues of dentistry and looks forward to further connecting with other members of RDH Connect. We are happy to have such a dedicated dental hygienist who is very involved in the dental community and shows participation in her community through her leadership activities.

Kari Carter-Cherelus

Kari Carter-Cherelus RDH, DA is an internationally known public speaker, consultant, author, a writer, and a clinician with 25 years in the dental industry. She authored the book The Ultimate Guide for Dental Hygienist Burnout to help dental hygienists in all stages of their career. She uses her platform as Founder of KMC Strategic Solutions to help improve the work culture in teams and organizations as well as to coach individuals.



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