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The 3 keys to success as a hygienist | Ask the coaches

Busy treatment schedules can leave us burned out, feeling generally unsuccessful. But there are steps we can take on our own and resources to help plan for success. Find out what the coaches from Diamond Dental Hygiene Coaching suggest.

What holds you accountable? Do you know and understand your why?

As hygienists, we find that our mind is always on autopilot with a million different doors and tabs open. We begin one task before the other task is completed and ensure that we check off all the boxes throughout the day. Unfortunately, when we let ourselves go on autopilot, we tend to do things half-assed. We don’t complete the periodontal chart. We don’t update radiographs. We don’t perform a complete periodontal reevaluation after periodontal therapy. We try to stay above water throughout the day as our schedules are jam-packed. We know this is one way that we become burned out as hygienists. We never truly fill our cups as we’re constantly filling up others. We must stop. It is time we take back control of our happiness and the fulfillment of our careers.

When we step back and evaluate why we feel unhappy or unsatisfied with our careers, we see that it all starts with us. We must take steps to improve ourselves first before anything else changes. As hygienists, we must declare that we will change our mindset, slowly implement habits, and start believing in ourselves.

Lean on your co-workers and friends or hire a coach to help you navigate these unknown waters. These changes are necessary to elevate your career, and we recommend these three steps to grow and thrive. Creating these changes in your life will help you remember your importance as a healthcare provider.

Step 1: Mindset

Mindset is the foundation which everything else grows from. When we change our mindset, we start to believe in ourselves, grow confidence in our abilities and can see the opportunities. Simple shifts in how we think and perceive ourselves are a constant practice—something we need to continue to tell ourselves and work on daily. Shift your mind’s thoughts from I am not good enough, I am not smart enough, and replace them with I am good enough, I am smart enough, I am worthy. We let limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome stop us from taking the first steps to elevate our lives, leading us to step two.

Step 2: Implement healthy habits

Habits make up our daily routines. We must utilize our current routine to add small sustainable habits to create the life we want to live. This is where we will make the most progress in our lives. It’s truly about the small steps and the small wins. Implementing habits such as journaling, daily wins, mantras, or having a gratitude journal are all ways to help change your mindset and help set you up for a more meaningful day. Move your body; walking, running, weightlifting, and yoga are all things we can implement to help relieve stress and anxiety. They open our minds to different possibilities. We understand as hygienists creating habits can set us up for a successful day at work. Create a checklist to help you go into the op in the morning and complete everything you need to do to allow your day to run as smoothly as possible. Find something that works for you and build off those habits.

Step 3: Invest in yourself

When was the last time you invested in yourself? When was the last time you did something that brought you joy? We need to carve out time in our busy schedules to have fun, make time for ourselves and do what makes us happy. It’s imperative that you not only invest in yourself personally but professionally as well. Whether you decide it is time to purchase a saddle stool, take a course you’ve been thinking about, or invest in a coach to assist you in getting to where you want to be on a fast track, it will be the best investment you can make. There will never be a time when you’re disappointed in spending money or carving out time for YOU. When you create the space to invest in yourself, you will see the doors open to new opportunities you never thought possible.

So, the next time you think of half-assing your work or a promise you made to yourself, rethink it. We promise that if you do it right the first time, you will fill your cup and find it overflowing. Ask for help when needed, lean on a friend, or hire an expert to get you to the next level. There are no right or wrong answers, just options available to you, and using them is ok. Our mission as Diamond Dental Hygiene Coaches is to help as many hygienists as possible to lead a happy and prosperous career. We want all hygienists to love going to work. We want you to feel valued and appreciated, and we want hygienists to continue serving our dental community to propel our industry forward.

Laura Bettencourt

Laura Bettencourt, BSDH, RDH has more than 15 yrs of clinical experience & co-founder of L'Diamante Dental Hygiene Career Coaching also known as LD Coaching. Her expertise is in human connection, career development, & team leadership. She has helped create & implement programs such as compliance, hygiene excellence & periodontal protocols. As a mindset hygiene career coach, she thrives on guiding & empowering her clients to achieve confidence & clarity.



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